
Stormwater / Storm Drainage / Surface Water Run-Off

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Stormwater is runoff from rain and snow. A system of gutters, ditches and storm drains collect the runoff and discharge it into local rivers and streams. Stormwater becomes a source of water pollution when oil, trash or other contaminants are dumped into gutters and storm drains.

StormwaterIn Pacific, we must take extra care not to further pollute the waters of the White River, which has been designated by the Department of Ecology as "measurably polluted."
See the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)Permit section of our website.

Projects that meet the following are required to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) on-line application for coverage under Ecology’s Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP). 

  1. The construction project disturbs land through clearing, grading, excavating, or stockpiling of fill material.
  • Sites that disturb one acre or more.
  • Sites that are smaller than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development that will ultimately disturb one acre or more and discharge stormwater to surface waters.
  • Sites of any size discharging stormwater to waters of the state that Ecology has determined to be a significant contributor of pollutants.
  • Sites of any size that Ecology expects to cause a violation of any water quality standard.
    1. There is any possibility that during construction, stormwater could run off the site or enter a conveyance system that leads to surface waters.

Information about the CSWGP, who is required to apply, and the NOI application can be found in the following Ecology website links:

CSWGP Home Page


Generally, the following facilities are required to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) on-line application for coverage under Ecology’s Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISWGP).  See Section S1.A of the ISWGP for further details on who is required to apply for coverage under the ISWGP.

  1. A facility with activities listed in Table 1 that discharges stormwater to a surface waterbody or a storm sewer system that discharges to a surface waterbody;
  2. A facility with an existing National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit that does not address all stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity; or,
  3. An inactive facility listed under 40 CFR Section 122.26(b)(14) where significant materials remain onsite and are exposed to stormwater.

Table 1: Activities Requiring Permit Coverage and the Associated North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Groups

Industrial Activities

NAICS Groups

Metal Ore Mining


Coal Mining


Oil and Gas Extraction


Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying, except Fuels (except facilities covered under the Sand and Gravel General Permit)


Food, Beverage, and Tobacco Manufacturing


Textile and Textile Products Mills


Apparel Manufacturing


Wood Products Manufacturing

321xxx, 113310 a

Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing


Paper Manufacturing


Printing and Related Support Activities

323xxx, 5111xx

Chemicals Manufacturing (including Compost Facilities)


Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing (except facilities covered under the Sand and Gravel General Permit)


Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing


Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing


Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing (except covered under the Sand and Gravel General Permit)


Primary Metal Manufacturing


Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing


Machinery Manufacturing


Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing


Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing


Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (except NPDES regulated boatyards)


Miscellaneous Manufacturing


Warehousing and Storage

493xxx, 531130

Recycling facilities involved in the recycling of materials, including but not limited to, metal scrap yards, battery reclaimers, salvage yards, auto recyclers, and automobile junkyards.

42314x and 42393x

Steam Electric Power Generation (Not covered under 40 CFR § 423)


Waste Management and Remediation Services, including, but not limited to, landfills, transfer stations, open dumps, and land application sites, except as described in S1.C.6 or C.7.


Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facilities, and recycling facilities regulated under Chapter 173-303 WAC.


Treatment works treating domestic sewage, or any other sewage sludge, or wastewater treatment device or system, used in the storage, recycling, and reclamation of municipal or domestic sewage (including land dedicated to the disposal of sewage sludge that are located within the confines of the facility) with the design flow capacity of 1 million gallons per day (MGD) or more, or required to have a pretreatment program under

40 CFR §403.


Transportation facilities which have vehicle maintenance activity, equipment cleaning operations, or airport deicing operations:


  • Railroad Transportation

482xxx, 488210

  • Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation

485xxx, 488490, 487110

  • Truck Transportation


  • Postal Service


  • Water Transportation

483xxx, 487210, 4883xx,


  • Air Transportation

481xxx, 487990

  • Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals


Construction, Transportation, Mining, and Forestry Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing


Marine Construction


a. Facilities in this category that are rock crushing, gravel washing, log sorting, or log storage facilities operated in connection with silvicultural activities defined in 40 CFR 122.27(b)(2)-(3) are considered industrial activity. This does not include the actual harvesting of timber.

The ISWGP, additional information about the ISWGP and the NOI application can be found in the following Ecology website links.


ISWGP Home Page:


Did you know that every time it rains thousands of pounds of pet waste has the potential to wash down storm drains and into streams, rivers and lakes? If not disposed of properly, pet waste flows directly into nearby streams and creeks without being treated at wastewater treatment facilities. It’s important to pick up after your pet, check out the video, "Dog Doogity" Dog Poop PSA for

Stormwater Utility Rates
 All detached single-family residences and mobile homes are classified as one equivalent residential unit (ERU) and the monthly service charge is $24.65.

All other developed properties the monthly service charge is $24.65 per month for the first ERU per account plus the number of additional ERUs determined by the Utility to be contained in such parcel, multiplied by $8.90 for those properties with approved stormwater facilities or $24.65 for those properties without approved facilities. An equivalent residential unit (ERU) is equal to 2,500 square feet of impervious property surface.

For questions about stormwater billing charges contact: [email protected] or call 253-929-1100.

Stormwater Hotline
Call the Stormwater Hotline at 253-929-1118 to report any type of pollution to the automatic recording system and someone will contact you. For hazardous material spills call 911. Do not clean up unknown or hazardous material. Staff at the hotline can direct you to the appropriate agency to help with non-stormwater pollution. 
Stormwater Utility
The Storm Drainage Utility operates and maintains approximately 9.8 miles of pipe, 800 catch basins and structures, 15 stormwater facilities, and 5 miles of ditches. The storm system is designed to convey surface water from the streets and properties of the City to nearby creeks and the White River.

Low Impact Development Stormwater Regulations
On January 1, 2017, new stormwater management regulations and standards went into effect in the City of Pacific and surrounding jurisdictions in Western Washington for new development, redevelopment, and construction sites. These Low Impact Development (LID) regulations and standards emphasize on-site stormwater management that mimics predevelopment conditions rather than storage and conveyance-based stormwater management. The goal of LID is to prevent degradation of our streams, wetlands, and rivers from the runoff from developed sites.

The following is a compilation of some of the resources available to help property owners with new development or redevelopment projects comply with the new LID requirements:
    •      Washington Stormwater Center - information about LID principles and practices, including different types of LID             
           facilities, tools and manuals for planning and designing LID, and how to operate and maintain LID facilities.
    •      King County Surface Water Management Manual (KCSWMM)
    •      City of Pacific Development Guidelines

LID Training Programs - Washington Stormwater Center (

Stormwater Pollution

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identifies stormwater as the biggest source of pollution to lakes, rivers, and streams in our country. The source of this pollution has been traced to how we as citizens live our daily lives. Rainwater picks up pollutants from the air, buildings, parking lots and from road surfaces. These pollutants include chemicals, oils, sand, dirt, pet waste and other debris.

Storm drains carry rainwater to the nearest natural body of water. Disposing of oils, detergents, pet waste and other materials into the storm drain is the same as dumping them directly into a stream, wetland, lake or Puget Sound.

We encourage people who live, work and play in Pacific to help keep our stormwater and natural water bodies clean. Removing contaminants from stormwater is not nearly as effective as eliminating the pollutant at the source. You can help us out by using some of the following suggestions:
    •     Keep leaves, yard waste or other debris out of the storm drains.
    •     Click here for an article about why you should use car washes instead!
    •     Use fertilizers and pesticides sparingly 

    •     Fix leaks of auto fluids and recycle oil at a local auto parts store
    •     For more information on protecting waterways, visit the Puget Sound Starts Here website.
    •     Watch the video: When It Rains, It Pours.

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